Sharon’s husband, Tom, was 67 years old. They were married for 47 years. Tom was feeling tired all the time. He didn’t have the strength he used to have. Dr. A said it was just his diabetes. Sharon’s husband knew it was something more than that. Tom insisted to Dr A to run tests but he would not. So Tom decided that it was time to find another doctor.
Tom went to Dr. B and told him about his concerns. Dr. B told him that his blood sugar was high. So he prescribed him stronger medicines. He prescribed shots. This treatment made Tom even weaker. So he went back to Dr B the next day. Tom was very concerned about his health. Dr. B ordered a full body of lab work. Tom was called later that day to come back to see Dr B the next morning. He could sense something was urgent in Dr B voice and demeanor. Dr. B instructed him to see Dr. E he is a blood specialist. Tom now very concerned went to see him. Dr. E drew an array of blood work. Dr. E was extremely concerned about Tom’s condition. Tom was told to go to the hospital and have chest x rays done. Tom was beside himself. Finally Dr E gave him a diagnosis. He had MDS, Myelodysplastic Syndrome Bone Marrow Cancer. OMG Cancer! Where did I get it? When? How long will I live? All these questions immediately flooded his thoughts.
Tom hurriedly told Sharon. They went together to the next appointment. That was four days later. Dr E said “Tom you dodged a bullet because the cancer I thought you had you would have been dead in four days! The cancer you have is treatable.” They let out a sigh of relief. Then Dr.E layed out a treatment plan. Due to COVID being very prevalent Dr. E did not want to send Tom to M D Anderson. He said “They wouldn’t take you then anyway. The beds are filled with COVID patients. Besides, your immune system is compromised right now and the chances of you catching anything is high.”
Tom was diagnosed with MDS in October 2019. His treatment plan was every fourth week he would have a week of chemotherapy. This included shots and sometimes blood transfusions. He had these treatments for TEN months.
Then the last week of his treatment something went fatally wrong. Tom came home after the first treatment.It was a shot. He felt weaker than usual. He went back to the hospital the second day and received the chemotherapy shot. He came home extremely weak and tired. He proceeded to go to bed. He slept all day. That evening he was weak and only wanted a little something to eat. He ate a little soup. The third day he called in saying he was too weak to come to the hospital. Today he needed a walker to walk. Tom slept all day. He did not want to eat anything. By Day Four he had to be pulled out of bed. He was extremely weak. He again walked with a walker. Sharon insisted Tom go to the hospital ER. He didn’t want to go. He instead went to the pharmacy to pick up pain medication because his back was becoming very painful. He made an appointment with Dr. E for Monday.
Sharon was worried to death. Day Five Tom again slept all day. He was experiencing more back pain even with the medicine. He hadn’t eaten in three days. On Day Five the pain in his back was so intense he could not lay in bed anymore. He sat in his recliner.
On the early morning of Day Six (Saturday) at 5 a.m. Tom had to go to the bathroom. He was so very weak he couldn’t get out of his recliner. Sharon tried to pull him up but couldn’t. Tom was dead weight. She tried again with all her might and then fell on the floor! She could not get up. Sharon immediately called her brother-in-law, Scott, to come immediately to help get Tom up. He came within fifteen to twenty minutes. He also tried to get Tom up but couldn’t. Tom was getting disoriented and complained that his chest was hurting. It was scary! Scott finally got Tom in a wheelchair. He took Tom to the bathroom. He had to help him to the toilet. Tom collapsed on the floor in the bathroom. Tom said, “Pull me out of the bathroom into the hall so I can get some air. It’s hot in here!” Those were Tom’s last words!
Scott pulled Tom out and laying on his leg he died. EMS came in thirty minutes and used CPR on Tom and revived him in forty five minutes. Rushed him to the county hospital. EMS asked what he had. Sharon said MDS, diabetics. Tom succumbed to a heart attack at 8 a.m. on the sixth day after treatment. Due to COVID Sharon had to wait outside of the hospital ninety minutes before they told her Tom was dead.
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