Treasure on the Other Side

Treasure on the Other Side
Published on November 16

Did you ever think that when you are being used by someone and you don’t tell them no or to quit it, you’re interfering with God? Did you consider that when such things are happening, God might want you to tell them no, or that you are should tell them no when you realize what they are doing is wrong against you and God Himself?

It might not be all about you. It might be that God wants that individual who is hurting you or taking advantage of you, and you let it continue to happen, and you keep looking the other way, instead of cutting this person off and letting them return to God.

I mean there is forgiveness, but this could be the reinforcement of wrongdoing. When you allow one or more individuals to continue their modus operandi on you and whoever else the next victims will be, you will not be helping them in the long run.

But why do you let individuals continue to sin?

In medieval times, there were many gruesome punishments that our society will not accept today.

We don’t have to be as harsh as those days. In fact, in the Bible, we are told after three attempts of trying to correct someone’s wrongdoing with no results, we are to treat them as an outsider. That is what Jesus Christ said Himself, according to Matthew 18:17.

Christ even says in verse 15 of the same chapter, that if you successfully get someone to see they’re wrong, “you have gained a brother.”

Therefore, since God has given everyone a backbone, use it, for, believe it or not, everyone is meant to be a meaningful asset of God, to be holy, as God is holy. That is to surrender daily to be a child of the Living God. You don’t have to hurt them in any way, and they might be offended because they do not get their ‘way,’ but God has to have His way. We were created by Him, for Him. He has specially designed each of us for His use in increasing the kingdom of His love, mercy, and kindness. As Christ said, “the fields are ready for harvest.” John 4:35 Therefore cut off their disobedience, and let God do His best through them to increase His ministry to expand the knowledge of the presence of God on earth.

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